

300 Oak St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

About the Foundation

The Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico strives to educate the public and healthcare providers, and to support research, on osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation or bequest to support this worthwhile cause.

E. Michael Lewiecki, MD

300 Oak St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Frances Fisk, MD

Member at Large

Yvonne Brusuelas

Member at Large

Kathleen Blake

Member at Large

Lance A. Rudolph, MD

300 Oak St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

The Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico is currently seeking members of the community to serve as a member of the board. If you are interested in applying, or know someone who might be interested, please complete the form below and someone will reach out to you.

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Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico (OFNM) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation established in 2000 to educate the public and healthcare professionals, to raise awareness, and to support research for osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease in New Mexico. The ultimate goal is to prevent fractures by reducing the osteoporosis treatment gap, the difference between those who could benefit from osteoporosis treatment and those who receive it.

Its longstanding ongoing activities include the annual Santa Fe Bone Symposium, started in 2000, which attracts about 200 participants from throughout the US interacting with internationally recognized faculty; “bone club” educational meetings for healthcare professionals, held in Albuquerque 3 to 4 times each year, with over 57 events since its inception; and regular osteoporosis support group meetings for patients. OFNM has also been involved in public awareness events for the community, such as the Stroll & Roll for Arthritis and Osteoporosis, which attracted over 500 participants. The foundation also offers a panel of local speakers to give osteoporosis educational presentations for local community groups.

In 2015, Bone Health ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) was launched through a collaboration of OFNM and Project ECHO at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. This is a strategy of telementoring healthcare professionals located in New Mexico, as well as in other states and some other countries using videoconferencing technology. Weekly online Bone Heath ECHO clinics are held to educate ECHO participants to provide advanced levels of skeletal healthcare in local communities, with greater convenience and lower costs than care provided at specialty clinics often located far from home. Bone Health ECHO demonopolizes expertise in managing skeletal diseases and acts as a force multiplier that can potentially reduce the osteoporosis treatment gap and the burden of osteoporotic fractures.

OFNM continues to strive to meet the skeletal healthcare needs of our communities and explore new methods for achieving this goal. The foundation is served by a volunteer board of directors and supported by charitable contributions from individuals, organizations, and corporations.


About the Web Site

This website provides educational information for patients and healthcare providers, lists of Osteoporosis activities in New Mexico and provides links to other helpful resources on Osteoporosis. If you find any errors or omissions or have suggestions for improving the website please contact us.